Almost nobody dances sober, unless they happen to be insane.

- H. P. Lovecraft

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Mac v. PC Ads are Pissing Me Off

OK, so I loved the one with the bloated PC, because it's true.

Maybe I shouldn't hate the one I saw tonight about how "Macs don't get those cryptic error messages" as much as I do, but I have to tell you, I'd rather get an error message than nothing.

I say this because at the Mesa studio tonight, all I wanted to do was burn a CD of my ProTools project, and the stupid Mac not only wouldn't let me, but kept "not-crashing" - meaning it wouldn't crash, but it wouldn't give me an error either.

Is that really better?

I'd rather see something that let me know something was really wrong and KNOW I had to reboot than see a message that said, "Oh, hold on for an indefinite amount of time..." and then finally accept that I had to reboot.

Consequently, the much-touted Mac never did let me burn that CD.

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